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Ravariel Aiwince

So what's there to know about this old badger?


I've been a Harry Potter fan for roughly fifteen to sixteen years now and joined HOL back in 2006, though I've spent a lot of time since lurking. A few years ago, I finally picked up a more active HOL life again and am very happy about that. I particularly love HOL for its huge variety of classes - and for the sheer amount of puzzles that turn up everywhere; puzzles are awesome - but also for the way it underlines the values of each House and the importance of each and treats all Houses as equal, much unlike the books did.


Outside of HOL, I can simply say I have too many hobbies, but since I enjoy each of them greatly, I can't seem to give any of them up. I enjoy various little crafts - as you can see on the Arts and Crafts page - and making music. Dancing also means a lot to me; I regularly dance in various styles, both historical and contemporary. There's also medieval swordfighting, which I regularly do, and working with horses, sadly less regularly. Above and beyond all those, there is Live Action Role Play, with all that goes into it: creating characters, designing and crafting costumes, and the acting that the actual playing takes.


Beside all this, I'm a linguist at heart. I've delved into the history of several Germanic languages, currently speak three languages fluently - English, Danish and German - can read a few similar ones and am learning Welsh, Irish Gaelic and Russian. I delight in poetry and the rhythm of language and in learning new words, sounds and structures. Where a lot of people find grammar tedious and annoying, I find it enjoyable.


I hope this leaves you with a bit of an impression of my scatterbrained self. As a last note: I am currently realising that creating a homepage is far more fun than I had anticipated.

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